Visual cognition and awareness: Publications

Visual awareness and the role of the primary visual cortex (V1) in conscious perception

Koivisto M, Mäntylä T, Silvanto J (2010). The role of early visual cortex (V1/V2) in conscious and unconscious visual perception. Neuroimage. 51:828-34.

Silvanto J. (2008). A re-evaluation of blindsight and the role of striate cortex (V1) in visual awareness. Neuropsychologia 46(12):2869-71.

Silvanto J, Cowey A, Walsh V. (2008). Inducing conscious perception of colour in blindsight. Current Biology. 18:950-951.

Silvanto J, Cowey A, Lavie N, Walsh V. (2005). Striate cortex (V1) activity gates awareness of motion. Nature Neuroscience 8(2):143-4.

Mental imagery and short-term memory

Silvanto J, Cattaneo Z. (2010). Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals the content of visual short-term memory in the visual cortex. Neuroimage. 50(4):1683-9

Cattaneo Z, Vecchi T, Pascual-Leone A, Silvanto J (2009).Contrasting early visual cortical activation states causally involved in visual imagery and short-term memory. Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Oct;30(7):1393-400.

TMS methodology: state-dependent TMS paradigms

Schwarzkopf DS, Silvanto J, Rees G. (2011). Stochastic resonance effects reveal the neural mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience.

Cattaneo Z, Devlin JT, Salvini F, Vecchi T, Silvanto J. The causal role of category-specific neuronal representations in the left ventral premotor cortex (PMv) in semantic processing. Neuroimage.49(3):2728-34. Epub 2009.

Cattaneo Z, Rota F, Vecchi T, Silvanto J. (2008). Using state-dependency of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate letter selectivity in the left posterior parietal cortex: a comparison of TMS-priming and TMS-adaptation paradigms. Eur J Neurosci. 28(9):1924-9.

Silvanto J, Muggleton NG. (2008). New light through old windows: moving beyond the "virtual lesion" approach to transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuroimage 39(2):549-52.

Silvanto J, Muggleton NG. (2008). Testing the validity of the TMS state-dependency approach: targeting functionally distinct motion-selective neural populations in visual areas V1/V2 and V5/MT+. Neuroimage 40(4):1841-8.

Silvanto J, Muggleton NG, Walsh, V. (2008). State dependency in brain stimulation studies of perception and cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 12: 447-454